Paeonia lactiflora, commonly known as common garden peony or Chinese peony, is an erect, clump-, shrub-like, herbaceous perennial that typically grows to 20-30” tall on stems tinged with red. It is classified as a late-blooming species, featuring flowers in mid-to-late spring and continuing attractive foliage throughout the summer and early fall. Stems die to the ground after frost.
Easily grown in rich, fertile, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Plants need abundant moisture during the early part of the growing season. Plants appreciate some part afternformingoon shade in hot summer climates. Add compost as needed before planting. Rootstock buds (eyes) should be planted about 2” below the soil surface. Each plant will flower for approximately 7-10 days. P. lactiflora is a late blooming species (May-early June). Peony bloom time in the garden can be extended to about 6 weeks (late April-early June) by growing a combination of early, midseason and late blooming cultivars. Remove spent flowers after bloom. Cut foliage to the ground and remove from the garden in fall after frost.
Resistant for: Rabbit and Deer
Attracts: Butterflies