Haemanthus or Scadoxus multiflorus

Haemanthus or Scadoxus multiflorus

Scadoxus multiflorus(formerly know as Haemanthus multiflorus) called Blood Lily, is a bulbous perennial that is native to tropical and sub-tropical parts of South Africa. It is a member of the Amaryllis family. Common name reportedly comes from the red (blood-like) stains on its flattened white bulbs. Each bulb produces 6-7 bright green leaves (to 12-15” long) and one flower head per season.

Winter hardy to USDA Zones 9-11 where plants may be grown directly in the ground in organically rich, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Plants need consistent and even moisture with sharp drainage during the growing season. Reduce moisture in winter season. Plants must be overwintered indoors in most cases. Bulbs may be planted outdoors directly in the garden in spring after last frost date, but the bulbs must be dug prior to first frost in fall, brought indoors, packed in peat and overwintered in a dry cool area where temperatures run 50-60 F. Plants reportedly perform best when root-bound and generally dislike root disturbance, and for this reason bulbs are often grown in containers regardless of climate.




Zone:                      9 to 11
Height:                    1.00 to 2.00 feet
Spread:                   0.75 to 1.50 feet
Bloom Time:           June to July
Bloom Description: Red
Sun:                        Full sun to part shade
Water:                     Medium
Maintenance:          Low
Flower:                    Showy
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